First Security Bank

First Security Bank

First Security Bank Portfolio Asset
First Security Bank Portfolio Asset
First Security Bank Portfolio Asset

We’re not a bank for anyone; we’re a bank for everyone. That means we’re not like those big-box-one-size-fits-all banks, or a bank that only works with you if you live by our rules. We believe in true partnership, where everyone in the relationship’s an equal contributor.

First Security Bank Portfolio Asset
First Security Bank Portfolio Asset
First Security Bank Portfolio Asset
First Security Bank Portfolio Asset

We know that we bring strengths to the table that our clients don’t have access to . . . but we know that they’ll be willing to match those strengths with their own strengths, their personal strengths. Character. Resolve. Honesty. Hard work. Commitment. Faith. Trust. Determination. Follow-through. Grit.

First Security Bank Portfolio Asset
First Security Bank Portfolio Asset

A Bank That Can: We know that anything can be accomplished when realistic expectations are harnessed with elbow grease, goodwill, and creativity. And we know that by leading without bullying, by inspiring without yelling, by helping without patronizing, by being agile without being capricious, by being thoughtful without being pedantic, and by being courageous without being headstrong or foolhardy, we can help anyone get anywhere.

First Security Bank Portfolio Asset
First Security Bank Portfolio Asset

A Bank That Does: We’re a bank that has your back, whoever you are. Young or old, conservative or liberal, well-heeled or under-banked, fresh in town or the person who knows everybody’s first name. We’re here for you. All that matters to us is that you want to work side-by-side, and that you’re passionate as we are about making your life — and the lives of those in the community around you — better.

First Security Bank Portfolio Asset

Like you, we believe the future is there to be written, and that with the right allies nothing is impossible. Through good times and bad, come what may, we’ll always be there for you.

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Getting more out of life means getting more out of your banker.

Branding for banks is usually predictable — it’s either big-bank-offering-personal-service or small-bank-pretending-to-be-big-bank. Sometimes they lean on their deep roots and rich history, sometimes they bang on about the muscularity of their products, and sometimes, more often, they say nothing meaningful whatsoever.

So when FSB came to us asking to be something no other bank was — something their employees and customers would be proud of; something true and sincere; something that was courageous and different; something that actually added value to communities — and they told us about how they’d move heaven and earth to get things done for people who wanted a relationship with them, we knew we had a winner.

First Security Bank Portfolio Asset